četrtek, september 23, 2010

Heading to Switzerland

The time has come :)

This is my first post on this blog and the last one in Slovenia. I decided to make a blog to tell you more what is happening in Switzerland, how school is going and just tell you about the fun i am going to have. But the most about what God is going to do in the next three month. Its exciting and scary at the same time.

Thanks tonight for all the laugh and fun we had. It was special.

Let's the advenure begin.

3 komentarji:

  1. Switzerland?! What's going on? Oh, Metka...pogresam te...

  2. OO I know Anna, it has been too long. Yes its a CEF training forworking with kids. i am going to be here 3 months.
    tudi jaz te pogresam...

  3. Metka - good for you! I am taking some CEF training for the first time, myself. I am learning to be a volunteer Good News Club teacher. May God encourage and lead you.
    Love from Anna's mom :)
